
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Financial Psycho

With all my experience in banking world there is question arising, why poeple in financial area, be it banking or any other institutions, tend to have a psychological problem. They tend to be authoritative, undemocratic, suspicious, and other negative attitudes. If these attitudes come as the result of financial practice and experience, than it is understandable, because financial practices are like military which should be executed safely and smoothly. But if they come from people who exercise the power of regulation and supervision of the financial industry then these are just a bureaucrate style, a worst kind of management in the world. Like a proverb says, power tends to corrupt and absolute power then corrupts absolutely.

People who sit in a certain position in financial industry will have emperor-like psychological condition. In other parts of the world they are worse. The greedy character, quoted at least by Stiglitz and Ormerod make them like having megalomania, big power. Those who are not in their way are considered as the foe. Their subordinates should be in place like those toys which can be played any time they want. They determine what are important for their subordinates eventhough those subordinates are brighter than their own bosses. This black side of management is really frightening and thrilling: stupid people lead the bright one just because they have more power and earlier recruited by the organization.

Wallahu A'lam

Allaaahumma asyghiliz zhaalimin biz zhaalimin

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Professional and Politicians

The difference between Professionals and Politicians

-Recruited on Competency-Based.
-Work according to Policy and Procedure
-Receive reward to right and duty.
-Duty first, right later
-Always make effort to increase competency and efficiency
-Aways reports on what he has done and what he will do, planning and evaluation strictly applied

- Connection based recruitment
- Bossy attitude
- Popularity oriented (Carmuk) and lobbyng character
- Lick up, press down
- Absence without permission
- Facility  first, duty is second even third and so forth
Imagine if a professional has politician character? That is what I find in my surroundings

Resolusi Tahun Baru 2013- Petasan dan Kembang Api

Apa yang menarik dari Tahun Baru? Petasan dan Kembang Api. Selebihnya, pentas musik, suara terompet, manusia berjejal-jejal di jalan.
Sungguh ironis, ketika ummat Islam dilarang menyalakan petasan ketika bulan puasa dan lebaran, justru pada tahun baru petasan ada dimana-mana. Bukan hanya di taman, pantai atau lapangan alun-alun, tapi juga penduduk "swadaya" pasang petasan sendiri. Suaranya keras-keras seakan saling berlomba. Tidak peduli tetangga lagi tidur atau punya anak bayi yang perlu ketenangan.  (Kata rekan di kantor, kenapa sih pasang petasannya ngga dipake mode "silent" atau "getar" aja ya. Hape kaleee).
Puluhan bahkan ratusan juta dikeluarkan untuk pesta tahun baruan. Termasuk menghiasi langit dengan petasan dan kembang api. Hasilnya? Ratusan kubik sampah bertebaran dimana-mana. Ketika semua orang kembali tidur setelah begadang semalaman menyambut pergantian tahun, dinas kebersihan harus membanting tulang membersihkan jalan-jalan dan taman agar kembali bersih. Sampah-sampah itu diangkut ke tempat sampah. Untuk orang Jakarta, sampahnya dibuang di Bekasi. Orang Jakarta kembali tidur tenang, orang Bekasi kena bau sampahnya. Polusi dimana-mana, udara, air, tanah dan suara.
Sekali lagi, urusan tahun baru adalah urusan mubazir dan menyebalkan. Hanya satu yang tidak, yaitu liburan bersama keluarga keluar kota.