May be it is already in my blood, to be a long-life teacher, whatever my job is and wherever I work with. They said it is very rare situation to have people blessed with unique competency; mixing up two kind of knowledge in one specialization. But the problem is that the competency has never been acquiring the worthy reward. And the competency itself become one of the worst value to hold with, since people always think that that is your only competency, eventhough you have very best performance in other sector. When you do not do the official-related work then you are not worthy of any reward like other people who do the same. But you also will be punished if you do not do the Sharia-related work, unlike other people. They may not be given pinalty either if their specialization is accounting while the work is related with computer ability. Whew....I've been 12 years in this organization but still treated as second class employee.
Everyone has crept up, promoted to higher ranking, whether in the same office or transferred to representative. Then another senior officers will come over and ask the same questions and forward similar request: They want to be taught about similar things I have thought for 16 years:
Ustaz what is Murabaha? What is different between Musharaka and Mudaraba? Why Islamic bank des not apply Ijara consistent with Sharia? Actually what is so special about Salam and Istisna?
They insist for the answer while I am under pressure for completing deadlines. Since I work in Kingdom-like organization, the only choice is to postpone my own work just to serve those higher rank (but un-educated) people. Then when the time for home comes, people back to their family, I sit on my chair working with my own work that actually should be done
Dear my children,
If you have other choices, you better find alternative profession, and do not ever become Sharia expert who work as an employee in a bank. You will suffer the same fate with your beloved father.
May Allah listen to this reflection.
Allaahumma ashgiliz zhaalimiin biz zhalimiin
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