
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sumbit to Heaven

During last two weeks I have become a good listener to everyone who tell me their problem. The highest number of the complaints related to their present position in the job. I never know why people like to complain their concerns to me, not to Human Resource Department. May be because I am considered as "ustaz", and the ustaz can communicate to God  so their burden can be reduced via my communication ha..ha..

Had they known that I myself could only be promoted after being patient for 7 years in the position and having working hard for the duration without receiving good remark (sometimes just because the director doesn't like my criticism for their sharia non-compliace action), they might refused to talk to me. The only sentence I could say at the end of talk is always "submit it to heaven, because even we -who work in the best-managed financial center in this country- are promoted to higher rank by the way of like-dislike, and sometimes by sequnce of entering batch. Never think such good theories on human resources will work smoothly. Forget about stars you received during your bright years, it oftenly become decorating acessories in your filing sistem. 

Wallahu a'lam 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Guru Sa'duddin; Bendahara 24 Jam

Suaranya bersih dan lantang. Giginya rapih dan awet walaupun sudah berumur. Pakaiannya selalu necis, baik ketika menggunakan seragam safari maupun ketika bersarung dan berbaju koko. Ketika belum punya mobil, dia mengendarai vespa biru dengan kacamata hitam setianya. "Wuih,,,,kayak Marlon Brando cing" komentar seorang rekan yang melihat penampilannya ketika bervespa ria.