
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Be firm and consistent, you will reach a success

I never think that what I have done within last ten years will bear fruit in a broader scale. The only thing came to my mind, in that time, is that I have to do a religious duty called da'wa (preaching). This da'wa includes introducing Islam -in an organized way- to students and working in a nation-wide network student organization. Every semester I would control whether they send recruitees to basic level training. Otherwise I would ask them to hold their own training and invite other branches to train their young cadre together. In fasting month Ramadhan, I usually invite some of them, who already completed their term as committee, whether branch, regional or even national level- to my house and breaking the fasting together. (later on this tradition also involves active committees)

Today, one of those cadres is elected as chairman in central committee level. In his interview with a newspaper he clearly mentioned my name as his motivator. Consequently some colleagues praise loudly what I have done. However I do not feel happy nor turn sad (quite strange, isn't it?). It is a religious duty, guy- I said it to myself. Someone will feel happy if his duty is accomplished and expect nothing except reward from God. If his deeds result in something, it is not within his first intention.


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